World's first self-etching glass-ceramic primer shortens the pretreatment of dental restorations.
Proper conditioning of the restoration bonding surface is a crucial part of the adhesive luting process. Conventionally, glass-ceramic restorations are conditioned by etching the contact surface with hydrofluoric acid and then applying a silane coupling agent.
Hydrofluoric acid etching, however, tends to be unpopular because of its toxic potential. Monobond Etch & Prime is a single-component ceramic primer, which allows you to etch and silanate glass-ceramic surfaces in one easy working step. Due to the innovative blend of a new ceramic conditioner and a silane coupling agent in one liquid, only one product is needed to condition glass-ceramics. This effective combination significantly shortens the pretreatment of glass-ceramic restorations compared with conventional methods. It also makes the process easier to manage and reduces the risk of error. Nonetheless, the new primer generates a strong and durable bond.